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北京师范大学2023年计算机科学与技术 博士后流动站招聘启事Announcement of Computer Science and Technology Station of Beijing Normal University on Postdoctoral Fellowships

  时间:2023-01-06  浏览:


  Beijing Normal University (BNU) is one of the top universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education. It is among the first batch of universities of China’s “Project 985” and Category-A list of the “Double First-Class” initiative to build world-class universities and first-class disciplines. First level discipline of computer science and technology has a postdoctoral scientific research and doctor's degree authorization point. The discipline has 3 provincial key laboratories: Engineering Research Centre of Intelligent Technology and Educational Application with the Ministry of Education, Engineering Research Center of Virtual Reality Application with Ministry of Education, and the Key Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Digital Protection and Virtual Reality. In recent years, the discipline strength and ranking have been steadily improved. It ranks 301-350 in the world published by QS in 2020, and ranks 16th in the computer discipline among universities in the mainland.


  To strengthen the key technologies and integrate discipline advantages, discipline construction form the human-computer interaction and biological information processing, graphic image and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and emotional computing and pervasive computing, quantum computing and quantum information processing, computer network and blockchain technology, knowledge engineering and natural language processing research. According to the needs of scientific research work, we are now open to invite doctoral researchers in the above research directions sincerely.


  Ⅰ. Categories


  1. Liyun Postdoctoral Program: Funded by Beijing Normal University as an elite postdoctoral program, it aims to attract outstanding candidates with academic excellence from all over the world. The recruitment requirements refer to the requirements of national programs: " Postdoctoral International Exchange Program " and " National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents " issued by National Postdoctoral Management Committee. With outstanding academic development and innovation potential, he or she has put forward new ideas and ideas in basic researches or frontier researches, and published several representative papers in high-impact journals or conferences in the related field are encouraged to apply.

  2.A 类博士后:近三年内在境内外一流大学取得博士学位,品学兼优、身体健康,年龄在35周岁以下,全职在站工作。近五年在相关研究领域有较高水平的科研成果产出。

  2. Category-A Postdoctoral Program: Applicants should have obtained the doctoral degree from a first-class university in China or abroad within the past three years, excellent in character and learning, in good health, under the age of 35, and should work full-time in the station. In the past five years, he or she should have achieved a high level of scientific research achievements in related fields.

  3.B 类博士后:获得博士学位,年龄在 35 周岁以下,具有良好的思想品德和一定的科研潜力。

  3. Category-B Postdoctoral Program: A PhD degree, age under 35, with sound moral character and potential for science and research.


  4. National Postdoctoral Program: This program is jointly funded by BNU and the national special funds for postdoctoral fellows. The selected items consist of all kinds of postdoctoral talent programs set up uniformly by the state, such as the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents, Postdoctoral International Exchange Program, Postdoctoral International Exchange Fellowship Program, Hong Kong Scholars Program, Macau Young Scholars Program, and China-Germany Postdoctoral Exchange Program.

  5. 珠海校区工作博士后:符合学校和博士后流动站进站遴选指标评估要求,在站期间派驻北师大珠海校区,全职开展博士后研究工作。

  5. Postdoctoral Program at BNU Zhuhai: Meet the evaluation requirements of the school and the Postdoctoral Station, work full-time in Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Normal University.


  II. Remuneration and Benefits

  1. 励耘博士后年薪 30 万元(税前),学校为励耘博士后提供租房补贴5万元/年,并可根据房源情况以市场价租住博士后公寓。正常在站期间可为其符合条件的子女办理在北京师范大学实验幼儿园新校区幼儿园(沙河)或北京师范大学昌平附属学校小学部(沙河)入学(园)。

  1. Liyun postdoctoral program, each fellowship includes an annual pre-tax salary of 300,000 RMB. A housing subsidy of 50,000 RMB per year, and the postdoctoral apartment available at the market price is provided. The successful candidates may register their eligible children for the New Campus (in Shahe town) of Beijing Normal University Experimental Kindergarten or the Primary School(in Shahe town) of Changping Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University during their stay at BNU.

  2. A类博士后年薪18万元(税前),并可享受博士后出境交流计划,学院和合作导师将根据业绩情况提供有竞争力的薪酬补贴。

  2. Category-A Postdoctoral Program, each fellowship shall have an annual pre-tax salary of 180,000 RMB . The host college and postdoctoral supervisor will provide competitive compensation and subsidies according to their performance.

  3. B类博士后,薪酬由合作导师决定,可享受博士后出境交流计划及科研业绩奖励等。

  3. Category-B Postdoctoral Program, the candidates can discuss with the postdoctoral supervisor and the host college about the salary, and the post-doctoral overseas exchange program and research performance reward are available.

  4. 国家项目博后,入选全国博士后管理委员会“国际交流计划”引进项目 和“博士后创新人才支持计划”者年薪提高至35万元(税前),提供租房补贴5万元/年,并可根据房源情况以市场价租住博士后公寓;正常在站期间可为其符合条件的子女办理在北京师范大学实验幼儿园新校区幼儿园(沙河)或北京师范 大学昌平附属学校小学部(沙河)入学(园)。其他类型国家项目博士后由国家博士后专项经费资助,根据入选的项目类型和相关政策兑现待遇。

  4. National Postdoctoral Program, For each successful candidate who is enrolled in the Postdoctoral International Exchange Program and the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents, the pretax annual salary is raised to 350,000 RMB, in addition to a housing subsidy of 50,000 RMB per year and can rent the postdoctoral apartment available at the market price. The successful candidates may register their children for the New Campus (in Shahe town) of Beijing Normal University Experimental Kindergarten or the Primary School(in Shahe town) of Changping Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University during their stay at BNU. For those who are selected into other national programs, the remuneration and benefits will depend on the type of programs and relevant policies.

  5. 珠海校区工作博士后第一类的薪酬为40万元/年(税前),珠海校区工作博士后第二类的薪酬30万元/年(税前)。此外,在站期间,珠海校区提供每人5万元的科研启动费,并为博士后提供租住公寓。

  5. Postdoctoral Program at BNU Zhuhai, the salary of the first-category is RMB 400,000 per year (before tax), and the salary of the second-category is 300,000 RMB per year(before tax). In addition, zhuhai campus will provide a research start-up fee of 50,000 RMB for each successful candidates, as well as a rental apartment.


  In addition, The host college and supervisor will provide additional subsidies for successful candidates based on their achievements, contributions and other relevant conditions.


  III. Selection Methods and Procedures


  Any interested candidate can submit an application to the postdoctoral supervisor or the host college. The host college will organize a preliminary review first. After the announcement of shortlist, BNU will conduct expert panel to evaluate and then determine the successful candidates.


  IV. Registration Methods and Materials



  Applicants should send their academic CV, achievements and supporting materials to Liu Qiuli via email: liuqiuli@bnu.edu.cn with the subject line marked "Postdoctoral application + name".

  Contact: Liu Qiuli

  Tel: 010-58802620




Computer Science and Technology Station of Beijing Normal University

January 6, 2023