职称:教授 博士生导师
1978-1982 中南大学计算机科学系,工学学士
1982-1984 中南大学计算机科学系,工学硕士
1987-1988 加拿大渥太华大学计算机科学系访问
1988-1991 中南大学计算机科学系讲师
1992-1993 比利时蒙斯理工学院,哲学博士学位
1993.8-1995.8 德国国家计算机科学中心(GMD),博士后
1995.8-2013 香港城市大学计算机科学系全职教授,深圳研究院未来网络科技中心主任,计算机系课程委员会副主任
2014-2017 上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系致远讲习教授
2018-2020.6 澳门大学计算机讲座教授,数据科学中心主任,智慧城市物联网国家重点实验室副主任
2020.7-至今 北京师范大学珠海校区自然科学高等研究院,北师大-北师港浸大人工智能与未来网络研究院主任
贾维嘉,教授,博士生导师,IEEE Fellow。研究方向为人工智能系统算法,网络空间实体对象传感,人机物融合知识图谱构建与大数据处理、下一代无线通信协议、物联网。在这些领域均取得了诸多国内外领先的研究成果。特别是在Anycast (选播) 路由协议研究领域和网络匹配方面进行了先驱性的研究,取得了很多国际领先的研究成果。近年在顶级国际杂志和学术会议上发表论文500多篇(Google H-index 53)。专著2部(一部由Springer出版)和参与了12部书籍的撰写。
2017年获教育部科技一等奖(2);2016年获广东省科技进步一等奖;2005年获湖南省科技进步二等奖和IEEE国际会议最佳论文奖。获专利十五项(其中二项美国专利,其余中国专利)。主持多项澳门/香港政府科学基金和应用研究及发展基金。参与国家科技部973和863项目各两项。2016获中国国家自然基金委重点项目。设计和实现了物联网安全通信平台,实现了一系列多媒体传感器,手机及个人网关产品。以方便人们能够随时随地、简便地进行多媒体传感、通信、举行视频会议以及远程移动监控等。产品连续获2010,2011年深圳高科技展会最佳产品奖。担任IEEE国际学术会议程序主席、分会主席、程序委员。近年在IEEE,ACM国际学术会议上做特邀与大会报告多次。曾任IEEE TPDS和ComCom编委。
2020年 IEEE Fellow
2017年 分布式系统资源调度与管理的理论与方法, 中国国家教育部科技进步一等奖(2)
2015年 广东省科技进步三等奖 (2)
2011-2012年 国际高科技展览会(深圳)最佳产品奖
2005年 2nd Prize of Science & Technology Award, Hunan Government, PR China.
1. X. Zhang, T. Liu, P. Li, Weijia Jia*, H. Zhao, “Robust Neural Relation Extraction via Multi-Granularity Noises Reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2020 (early access).
2. S Ma, S Guo, K Wang, W Jia, M Guo, "A Cyclic Game for Service-Oriented Resource Allocation in Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, (accepted on 15.1.2020).
3. Ke Gu, Na Wu, Bo Yin, Weijia Jia, “Secure Data Query Framework for Cloud and Fog Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2019/9/17.
4. Xuxun Liu, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Anfeng Liu, Kaikai Chi, “Quick Convex Hull-Based Rendezvous Planning for Delay-Harsh Mobile Data Gathering in Disjoint Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, (accepted on 2019/9/19).
5. T Wang, H Luo, W Jia*, A Liu, M Xie, “MTES: An intelligent Trust Evaluation Scheme in Sensor-Cloud enabled Industrial Internet of Things”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(3), 2020, pp.2054—2062.
6. Tian Wang, and Weijia Jia, “Bidirectional Prediction based Underwater Data Collection Protocol for End-Edge-Cloud Orchestrated System”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(7), July 2020, pp.4791-4799.
7. Y. Zhang, L. Cui, W. Jia, “Mystique: A Fine-grained and Transparent Congestion Control Enforcement Scheme”, IEEE Trans. Network and Service Management 16(4): 1869-1883 (2019).
8. W. Yang, K. Wang, N. Ruan, W. Gao, Weijia Jia*, W. Zhao, N. Liu, and Y. Zhang, “Time-sync Video Tag Extraction Using Semantic Association Graph, ACM Trans on Knowledge Discover and Data, 2019 (accepted).
9. Lin Cui, Fung Po Tso, Song Guo, Weijia Jia, Kaimin Wei, and Wei Zhao, “Enabling Heterogeneous Network Function Chaining”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 30 (4), 842-854, 2019.
10. Zhiqing Tang, Xiaojie Zhou, Fuming Zhang, Weijia Jia, and Wei Zhao, “Migration Modeling and Learning Algorithms for Containers in Fog Computing”, IEEE Trans. Services Computing 12(5): 712-725 (2019)
11. Tian Wang, Y. Li, G. Wang, J. Cao, M. Z. Bhuiyan, Weijia Jia, “Sustainable and Efficient Data Collection from WSNs to Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 4(2): 252-262 (2019).
12. Weijia Jia, H Peng, N Ruan, Z Tang, W Zhao, “WiFind: Driver fatigue detection with fine-grained Wi-Fi signal features”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018.
1. Weijia Jia. Keynote Speech: "AI and Edge Computing(EC) for Smart City", ICICSP 2020.
2. W. Yang, Weijia Jia, W. Yao, X. Zhou, Y. Luo, “Interactive Variance Attention based Online Spoiler Detection for Time-Sync Comments”, CIKM 2019.
3. W. Yang, Weijia Jia*, X. Zhou, Y. Luo, “Legal Judgment Prediction via Multi-Perspective Bi-Feedback Network”, IJCAI 2019.
4. Y. You, Weijia Jia*, T. Liu, W. Yang, Improving Abstractive Document Summarization with Salient Information Modeling, Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2132-2141, 2019/7.
5. X. Zhang, P. Li, Weijia Jia*, H.Zhao, “Multi-labeled Relation Extraction with Attentive Capsule Network”, AAAI, 2019, 7484-7491.
6. S Ma, S Guo, K Wang, W Jia, M Guo, A cyclic game for joint cooperation and competition of edge resource allocation, 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
7. P. Li, X. Zhang, Weijia Jia∗, and H. Zhao, “GAN Driven Semi-distant Supervision for Relation Extraction”, The North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, NAACL 2019, Minneapolis, USA, June 2 - 7, 2019.
8. W. Yang, W. Gao, X. Zhou, Weijia Jia*, S. Zhang, Y. Luo, “Herding Effect based Attention for Personalized Time-Sync Video Recommendation”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 8-12, 2019, Shanghai, China.
9. T. Liu, X. Zhang, W. Zhou and Weijia Jia*, Neural Relation Extraction via Inner-Sentence Noise Reduction and Transfer Learning, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Oct. 31–Nov. 4, 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
10. R. Deng, N. Ruan, R. Jin, Y. Lu, W. Jia, C Su, D Xu, SpamTracer: Manual Fake Review Detection for O2O Commercial Platforms by Using Geolocation Features, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, 384-403,2018.
11. S. Ma, J. Ding and Weijia Jia, TransT: Type-based Multiple Embedding Representations for Knowledge Graph Completion, The European Conference on Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Ecml-Pkdd2017), Skopje, Macedonia,18-22 September, 2017 (LNCS0534).