职称: 教授
邮箱: zengwy@bnu.edu.cn
2003.10—2005.6 在瑞典Karolinska Institutet生物统计与流行病系博士后研究
2003获 北京师范大学理学博士学位
1990年 获北京师范大学理学硕士学位
1987年 年获北京师范大学理学学士学位
主要从事模糊信息处理方面的研究及应用工作,在模糊系统理论、近似推理、模糊控制及模糊决策等方面开展研究,特别针对模糊系统的信息测度(贴进度、模糊度、包含度、距离)、近似推理、变权决策、模糊数据分析及其应用等领域。主持国家自然科学基金和教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目各一项,参加多项国家自然科学基金项目,在“FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS”、“INFORMATION SCIENCES”、“APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING”等期刊发表学术论文130余篇。
基于区间值信息测度的区间值模糊控制研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2010-2012 直觉模糊集理论中的不确定性、模糊性与知识表示,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,2007-2008
1. 师范院校数学模型课开设的探索与实践, 北京市高等学校优秀教学成果奖二等奖, 北京市人民政府, 1997年
2. 全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师,中国工业与应用数学学会,2001年
3. 数学模型, 北京市高等学校精品课程,2004年
4. 数学模型课课程建设, 北京市高等学校优秀教学成果奖二等奖, 北京市人民政府, 2005年
5. “数学模型与数学建模”,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材(2009年),北京市高等教育精品教材(2011年),普通高等教育本科“十二五”国家级规划教材(2012年)
6. 北京高等学校继续教育教学管理先进个人,北京市教育委员会,2013年
7. 第十届北京师范大学教学名师,北京师范大学,2014年
1.Wenyi Zeng, Yibin Zhao, Yundong Gu, Similarity measure of vague sets based on implication operator, Knowledge-based Systems, 94(2016),124-131. (SCI)
2. Junhong Li,Wenyi Zeng,Jianjun Xie, Qian Yin,A new fuzzy regression model based on least absolute deviation, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 52(2016), 54-64, (SCI)
3. 李德清,曾文艺,变权决策中均衡函数均衡效果,系统工程理论与实践,36(3), 2016,712-718 (EI)
4. 李德清,韩国柱,曾文艺,余先川,基于布尔矩阵的区间数排序方法,控制与决策,31(4), 629-634, 2016 (EI)
5. Deqing Li, Wenyi Zeng, Junhong Li, Fusheng Yu, Note on hesitant fuzzy prioritized weighted operators, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 30(2016), 3191-3196 (SCI)
6. Wenyi Zeng, Yibin Zhao, Qian Yin,Sugeno fuzzy inference algorithm and its application in epicentral intensity prediction, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(2016), 6501-6508. (SCI)
7. Deqing Li,Wenyi Zeng,Junhong Li, Note on uncertain linguistic Bonferroni mean operators and their application to multiple attribute decision making, Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (2015), 894-900 (SCI)
8. Deqing Li,Wenyi Zeng,Junhong Li, New distance and similarity measures on hesitant fuzzy sets and their applications in multiple criteria decision making, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 40(2015), 11-16 (SCI)
9. 李俊红,曾文艺,广义梯形模糊数相似性度量的新方法及其应用,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 51(2), 2015, 120-125
10. Deqing Li,Wenyi Zeng,Yibin Zhao,Note on distance measure of hesitant fuzzy sets, Information Sciences, 321(10), 2015, 103–115 (SCI)
11. 李俊红,曾文艺,基于梯形模糊数的模糊最小一乘回归模型,系统工程理论与实践,35(6), 2015,1520-1527 (EI)
12. Junhong Li,Wenyi Zeng, A new dissimilarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets and its application in multiple attribute decision making, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 29(4), 2015, 1311-1320 (SCI)
13. 张丽娟,张艳芳,赵宜宾,曾文艺,基于元胞自动机的智能疏散模型的仿真研究,系统工程理论与实践,35(1), 2015,247-253 (EI)
14. Wenyi Zeng, Junhong Li, Fuzzy logic and its application in football team ranking, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, 1-6, (SCI)
15. Wenyi Zeng, Shuang Feng, Approximate reasoning algorithm of interval-valued fuzzy sets based on least square method, Information Sciences, 272(2014), 73-83 (SCI)
16.张艳芳,赵宜宾,张丽娟,曾文艺,可变步长的元胞自动机智能决策疏散模型的仿真研究,湘潭大学自然科学学报,36(2), 2014, 92-98
17. Wenyi Zeng, Yan Xing, A study of the priority vector of the fuzzy reciprocal matrix, ICIC Express Letters, Vol.4, pp:1109-1116, 2013 (EI)
18. Wenyi Zeng, Shuang Feng, An improved comprehensive evaluation model and its application, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 1(2013), 1-9 (SCI)
19. 赵宜宾,曾文艺,基于区间值相似度集合的多规则近似推理模型,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),49(1), 2013, 6-10
20. 曾文艺,赵宜宾,基于区间值相似度集合的区间值近似推理,山东大学学报(工学版),43(2), 2013, 96-100
21.赵宜宾,刘艳艳,张梅东,曾文艺,基于模糊元胞自动机的多出口人员疏散模型,自然灾害学报,22(2), 2013, 13-20
22. Wenyi Zeng, Yibin Zhao, Multiple rules interval valued approximate reasoning based on interval-valued similarity measure set, ICIC Express Letters, 7(2013), 1265-1271, (EI)
23. Wenyi Zeng, Yibin Zhao, Approximate reasoning of interval valued fuzzy sets based on interval-valued similarity measure set, ICIC Express Letters, 3(2012), 725-732, (EI)
24. Wenyi Zeng, Qian Yin, Control algorithm of interval-valued fuzzy control, AdvancedMaterials Research, 562(2012), 2111-2115 (EI)
25. 曾文艺,赵宜宾, 基于区间数度量的区间值模糊集合的归一化距离、相似度、模糊度和包含度的关系研究,模糊系统与数学,26(2), 81-90, 2012
26. Jinquan Li, Guannan Deng, Hongxing Li, Wenyi Zeng, The relationship between similarity measure and entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Information Sciences, 188(2012), 314-321 (SCI)
27. 曾文艺,赵宜宾,基于区间数度量的区间值模糊集合的贴近度和模糊度的关系,模糊系统与数学,26(1), 25-31, 2012
28. 赵宜宾,张鹤翔,张梅东,曾文艺,基于Mamdani 型模糊推理的震中烈度预测模型,数学的实践与认识,41(20), 59-65, 2011
29. Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li, Shuang Feng, Some new entropies on the interval-valued fuzzy set, Nonlinear mathematics for uncertainty and its applications, Advances in intelligent and soft computing, 100(2011), 189-196 (EI)
30. 赵宜宾,王涛,张鹤翔,曾文艺,基于Sugeno 型模糊推理的震中烈度预测模型,地震工程与工程振动,31(3), 39-44,2011
31. Wenyi Zeng, Inclusion measure of interval valued fuzzy sets, ICIC Express Letters, 5(2011), 2401-2407 (EI)
32. Wenyi Zeng, Yibin Zhao, Ping Guo, The relationships among Ⅳ-similarity measure, Ⅳ-entropy and Ⅳ-inclusion measure of interval valued fuzzy sets, ICIC Express Letters, 5(2011), 905-910 (EI)
33. Wenyi Zeng, Yibin Zhao, Xianchuan Yu, Normalized Ⅳ-distance, Ⅳ-similarity, Ⅳ-Entropy and Ⅳ-inclusion measure of interval-valued fuzzy sets and their relationship, ICIC Express Letters, 4(2010), 1405-1410 (EI)
34. Wenyi Zeng, Jiayin Wang, Interval valued fuzzy control, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Advances in Neural Network Research and Applications, 67(1), 2010, 173-183, (EI)
35. 赵宜宾,曾文艺,基于区间数度量的区间值模糊集合的相似度、模糊度和包含度的关系研究,工程数学学报,27(2), 295-304, 2010
36. 王红瑞,冯启磊,林欣,曾文艺,上海气温变化过程遍历特征分析,天津大学学报,43(1), 55-63, 2010 (EI)
37. 曾文艺,孙晓颖,药物动力学房室模型的改进,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),46(5), 541-545, 2010