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何 珺

  时间:2015-04-13  浏览:


  • 职称:教授

  • 学位:博士

  • 研究方向:图像处理、模式识别

  • 系别:电子系

  • 邮箱:hejun@bnu.edu.cn


  • 1998/09 – 2003/07,北京理工大学,光电工程系,硕博士;

  • 1994/09 – 1994/06,北京理工大学,光电工程系,学士


  • 2010/09 – 今,北京师范大学,人工智能学院(原信息科学与技术学院),副教授

  • 2003/09 – 2010/08,北京师范大学,信息科学与技术学院,讲师


  • 国家自然基金项目: “结合图像块联合聚类加权和混合分类器的非对齐稀疏表示识别方法”(61501035),主持人,2016-2019;

  • 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2014KJJCA15):“自发性课堂学习情感的视觉建模与计算”,参与人,2014-2017;

  • 新疆巴州石油教育局项目:“巴州石油教育局信息化建设工程”,参与人,2011-2012;

  • 北京理工大学(国防基础科研项目):“高光谱图像压缩处理芯片测试技术研究”,参与人,2007.6



  • Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Jun He*, etc. Weighted joint sparse representation-based classification method for robust alignment-free face recognition[J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, v 24, n 1, January 1, 2015 (WOS:000350466100019) (SCI)

  • Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Jun He*, etc. Clustering-Weighted SIFT-Based Classification Method via Sparse Representation[J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, v 23, n 4, July 2014 (WOS:000342355000007) (SCI)

  • Jun He, Tian Zuo, Bo Sun∗, Xuewen Wu, Yongkang Xiao. Robust face recognition framework with block Weighted sparse representation based classification[J], International Journal of Innovative Computing, 2015 ISSN 1349-4198, Volume 11, Number 5, October 2015

  • Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, A Novel Image Denoising Method Based On Sparse Representation And Incremental Dictionary Learning For Large-Scale Dataset[J], ICIC Express Letters, in press, 2014.

  • 何珺,孙波,肖永康,陈万通.波束合成前解码算法的优化实现在超声波成像中的应用[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2007年10月,Vol.43 No.5:527-529;(2013)


  • Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He*, Automatic target recognition using group-structured sparse representation, SPIE DSS 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.

  • Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, Discriminative dictionary based representation and classification of image texture, 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2014.

  • Bo Sun, Yang Wu, Feng Xu, Yongkang Xiao, Jun He, Chen Chao. Detecting and extracting text in video via sparse representation based classification method[C]. 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Applications. February 24-26, 2015, Pattaya, Thailand.

  • Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He. Discriminative dictionary based representation and classification of image texture. 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2014,91590S(EI:20142517836987)

  • He Jun, Zuo Tian, Sun Bo, Wu Xuewen, Yu Lejun, Ge Fengxiang, Chen Chao,Sparse presentation based classification with position-weighted block dictionary, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XII,IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014.

  • Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, Cheng Li, The rigid non-cooperative target recognition in practice based on the sparse representation, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, 2013: 103-107.

  • Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, Xiaomin Zhu, Chen Chao. Automatic target recognition using group-structured sparse representation.11thSPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.(EI:20143118002901)

  • He Jun, Sun Bo*, Wu Xuewen, Chen Chao. Optimized Sparse Presentation-Based Classification With Position-Weighted Block Dictionary. SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.(EI:20143118002903)

  • Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Jun He*,Fengxiang Ge, Xuewen Wu. Research on Clustering-weighted SIFT-based Classification Method via Sparse Representation. 2014 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology(ICIST 2014), Shenzhen, April 26-28, 2014.(EI: 20144700232432)

  • Chen, Chao; Wu, Xue-Wen; Sun, Bo; He, Jun. Large-scale image denoising using incremental learning method. 2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology(CICET 2014), March 27-28, 2014, HongKong.(EI: 20141317521016)

  • He, Jun; Zuo, Tian; Sun, Bo*; Wu, Xuewen; Yu, Lejun; Ge, Fengxiang; Chen, Chao. Sparse presentation-based classification with position-weighted block dictionary. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XII, v 9019, 2014, Article number: 90190X. (EI: 20142117733280)

  • Jun, He; Bo,Sun; Lejun, Yu. A novel method based on lines clustering for extracting multi-ROI in images with simple background. 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2011. August 3, 2011 - August 5, 2011.Singapore, Singapore. 441-444(EI Accession number: 20114214434205)

  • Sun, Bo; Wei, Guo; He Jun; Zhu, Xiaoming. A special algorithm based on structure for ship classification. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7701, 2010, Visual Information Processing XIX, Article number: 7701 0Y;

  • Sun, Bo; Li, Jiang; He, Jun; Zhu, Xiaoming. Application of Retinex wavelet moment features for complex illumination. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7668, 2010, Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems and Applications VII, Article number: 76680Y (EI Accession number: 20102513016524)


  • 孙波,何珺,刘臻,葛凤翔,郝卓,徐其华,基于稀疏表示分类的滑坡泥石流区域检测方法,2015,申请号:201510081296.9(实质审查)

  • 余乐军,孙波,何珺,葛凤翔,黄小芳:一种帧内快速编码方法及系统。申请发明专利,2014,申请号: CN201410073802(实质审查)

  • 何珺,孙波,吴学文,葛凤祥,余乐军,基于图像分块和位置加权的稀疏表示目标识别方法,申请号:CN201210581686(实质审查)

  • 孙波,何珺,吴学文,余乐军,葛凤翔,李程,基于模型和稀疏表示的多角度型号识别方法及系统,申请号:CN201210043803(实质审查)

  • 肖融,孙波,何珺,肖永康,胡晓雁,一种面向IPv6的路径MTU发现方法及系统,2012年05月23日,中国,ZL 2009 1 0084026.8

  • 何珺,胡晓雁,孙波,余乐军,张熙予,ATGP-VCA投影向量获取方法,2011年12月21日,中国,ZL 2009 1 0090193.3