何 珺(派驻珠海校区)
1998/09 – 2003/07,北京理工大学,光电工程系,硕博士;
1994/09 – 1994/06,北京理工大学,光电工程系,学士
2010/09 – 今,北京师范大学,人工智能学院(原信息科学与技术学院),副教授
2003/09 – 2010/08,北京师范大学,信息科学与技术学院,讲师
国家自然基金项目: “结合图像块联合聚类加权和混合分类器的非对齐稀疏表示识别方法”(61501035),主持人,2016-2019;
Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Jun He*, etc. Weighted joint sparse representation-based classification method for robust alignment-free face recognition[J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, v 24, n 1, January 1, 2015 (WOS:000350466100019) (SCI)
Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Jun He*, etc. Clustering-Weighted SIFT-Based Classification Method via Sparse Representation[J], Journal of Electronic Imaging, v 23, n 4, July 2014 (WOS:000342355000007) (SCI)
Jun He, Tian Zuo, Bo Sun∗, Xuewen Wu, Yongkang Xiao. Robust face recognition framework with block Weighted sparse representation based classification[J], International Journal of Innovative Computing, 2015 ISSN 1349-4198, Volume 11, Number 5, October 2015
Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, A Novel Image Denoising Method Based On Sparse Representation And Incremental Dictionary Learning For Large-Scale Dataset[J], ICIC Express Letters, in press, 2014.
何珺,孙波,肖永康,陈万通.波束合成前解码算法的优化实现在超声波成像中的应用[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2007年10月,Vol.43 No.5:527-529;(2013)
Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He*, Automatic target recognition using group-structured sparse representation, SPIE DSS 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.
Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, Discriminative dictionary based representation and classification of image texture, 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2014.
Bo Sun, Yang Wu, Feng Xu, Yongkang Xiao, Jun He, Chen Chao. Detecting and extracting text in video via sparse representation based classification method[C]. 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Applications. February 24-26, 2015, Pattaya, Thailand.
Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He. Discriminative dictionary based representation and classification of image texture. 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2014,91590S(EI:20142517836987)
He Jun, Zuo Tian, Sun Bo, Wu Xuewen, Yu Lejun, Ge Fengxiang, Chen Chao,Sparse presentation based classification with position-weighted block dictionary, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XII,IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014.
Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, Cheng Li, The rigid non-cooperative target recognition in practice based on the sparse representation, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, 2013: 103-107.
Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He, Xiaomin Zhu, Chen Chao. Automatic target recognition using group-structured sparse representation.11thSPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.(EI:20143118002901)
He Jun, Sun Bo*, Wu Xuewen, Chen Chao. Optimized Sparse Presentation-Based Classification With Position-Weighted Block Dictionary. SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.(EI:20143118002903)
Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Jun He*,Fengxiang Ge, Xuewen Wu. Research on Clustering-weighted SIFT-based Classification Method via Sparse Representation. 2014 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology(ICIST 2014), Shenzhen, April 26-28, 2014.(EI: 20144700232432)
Chen, Chao; Wu, Xue-Wen; Sun, Bo; He, Jun. Large-scale image denoising using incremental learning method. 2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology(CICET 2014), March 27-28, 2014, HongKong.(EI: 20141317521016)
He, Jun; Zuo, Tian; Sun, Bo*; Wu, Xuewen; Yu, Lejun; Ge, Fengxiang; Chen, Chao. Sparse presentation-based classification with position-weighted block dictionary. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XII, v 9019, 2014, Article number: 90190X. (EI: 20142117733280)
Jun, He; Bo,Sun; Lejun, Yu. A novel method based on lines clustering for extracting multi-ROI in images with simple background. 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2011. August 3, 2011 - August 5, 2011.Singapore, Singapore. 441-444(EI Accession number: 20114214434205)
Sun, Bo; Wei, Guo; He Jun; Zhu, Xiaoming. A special algorithm based on structure for ship classification. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7701, 2010, Visual Information Processing XIX, Article number: 7701 0Y;
Sun, Bo; Li, Jiang; He, Jun; Zhu, Xiaoming. Application of Retinex wavelet moment features for complex illumination. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7668, 2010, Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems and Applications VII, Article number: 76680Y (EI Accession number: 20102513016524)
余乐军,孙波,何珺,葛凤翔,黄小芳:一种帧内快速编码方法及系统。申请发明专利,2014,申请号: CN201410073802(实质审查)
肖融,孙波,何珺,肖永康,胡晓雁,一种面向IPv6的路径MTU发现方法及系统,2012年05月23日,中国,ZL 2009 1 0084026.8
何珺,胡晓雁,孙波,余乐军,张熙予,ATGP-VCA投影向量获取方法,2011年12月21日,中国,ZL 2009 1 0090193.3