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  时间:2015-04-13  浏览:


  •  职称:教授 (硕士生导师、博士生导师)

  •  研究方向:复杂系统的建模、估计、预测、优化, 控制

  •  联系电话: 13681972189

  •  电子邮箱:wangqingguo@bnu.edu.cn


  王庆国经1977年文革后的首次高考录入浙江大学学习,于1982, 1984, 1987年分别获得学士学位(化工自动化), 硕士学位(工业自动化), 博士学位(工业自动化)及“优秀毕业生”称号。1987至1989年于浙大流体传动与控制国家重点实验室从事博士后研究, 1989年任浙大化工系副教授。 1990年获中国科协“青年科技奖”及国家教委“有突出贡献的博士学位获得者”称号。1990至1992年获德国洪堡研究奖学金在杜伊斯堡大学和卡塞尔大学进行客座研究。 1992至2015年任教于新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系, 2004年晋升正教授。2015至2020年任南非约翰内斯堡大学智能系统研究院杰出教授. 南非国家A1级科学家, 南非国家科学院院士 。自2020年起,担任北师大-浸大联合国际学院讲座教授,北京师范大学人工智能与未来网络研究院教授。 他的学术领域为自动化/人工智能,主要从事复杂系统的建模、估计、预测、优化, 控制等方面的研究. 应用领域包括工业与环境过程、能源系统、航空与国防工程、医疗工程, 金融市场,农业和渔业; 他的工作涵盖了工业4.0的核心。在国际杂志发表论文360余篇,由Springer出版7部学术专著, 累计论著引用21000次,H-index 为80。荣获国际自控界权威学报《Automatica》 2006-2010年最多引用论文奖, 在2013年名列Thomson Reuters list of highly cited researchers榜, 2014年荣获《控制理论与应用》创刊30周年最具影响力论文奖,每年名列斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”和“年度科学影响力”榜单前1/5, 中国全球学者库网站2022 “全球顶尖前10万科学家” 前1/4 ,入选国际学术网站Research.com 2023 世界顶级科学家榜单电子与电气工程前500名顶级科学家。他也从事大量高技术研发及实际的工程应用,如造纸机、注塑机、间隙过程、飞机、无人机、风能、电厂、机器人、超净室、空调系统及医疗过程等的建模和控制,与许多国际控制大公司合作过,累计科研经费超亿人民币。荣获2017年度常州科教城“国家级人才奖”. 获美国等地专利6项(转让2项) 。曾任美国电气与电子工程师协会新加坡控制分会主席(4次), 亚洲控制会议及若干IEEE国际会议总主席, 国际自动控制联合会学报《过程控制》编委。 现任国际著名学报《ISA Transactions》执行副主编(Deputy Editor-in-Chief),及多份国际学报编委。指导博士生约40名,博士后约30名。


  •  1984.06-1987.06  浙江大学  工业自动化   博士  (导师:孙优贤)

  •  1982.02-1984.06  浙江大学  工业自动化   硕士  (导师:孙优贤)

  •  1978.03-1982.01  浙江大学  化工自动化   学士  (导师:孙优贤)


  •  2020.10-至今   北京师范大学珠海校区人工智能与未来网络研究院      教授            中国

  •  2015.08-2020.09      约翰内斯堡大学智能系统研究所          杰出教授         南非

  •  2004.01-2015.07    新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系          正教授         新加坡

  •  1998.08-2003.12    新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系          副教授         新加坡

  •  1993.03-1998.07    新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系         高级讲师         新加坡

  •  1992.01-1993.03    新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系          研究员         新加坡

  •  1989.07-1991.12  浙江大学化工系/工业控制技术国家重点实验室      副教授          中国

  •  1987.07-1989.06   浙江大学流体传动及控制国家重点实验室        博士后          中国


  • [1] 王庆国, 国家自然科学基金国家自然科学基金面上项目: 名称:面向实际应用的瞬态性能控制研究;批准号:62373060; 30万; 2024-01-2026.12

  • [2] 张雪峰(zhangxuefeng NEU), “智能分数阶系统分布式暂态控制和观测器设计”, 科技部高端外国专家引进计划,项目编:G2023128014L; 30万,2023年1月至2024年12月; Foreign guest researchers: Qing-Guo WANG,  SHUANG-HUA YANG, Driss Boutat.

  • [3] 李贻斌、王庆国、李军霞、吴娟、王超群, "矿山无人驾驶单轨吊运输机器人关键技术",徐州市高新区“双创计划”资助资金500万元. 2022.12-2025.11

  • [4] Jia WJ,…, 王庆国 (member), “北京师范大学珠海校区揭榜挂帅项目--重点科研平台建设”. 2022.01-2026.12

  • [5] 王庆国, Yanyan JI and Amy Zhang, “2021冲补强专项-F2教学示范中心与实践基地”, granted with RMB 10万元 (UICR0400061-21CTL) by UIC. 2022.06-2024.05.

  • [6] Jianxin Pan,…, Qing-Guo WANG (key member), “Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research and Application for Data Science”, granted with RMB 200万元 (UICR0400001-22) by广东省教育厅(广东省重点学科建设子项目:下属实验室), 2022.01-2026.12.

  • [7] Weijia Jia and 王庆国 (co-PI), “高等教育“冲一流、补短板、强特色”提升计划建设方案(2021-2025年):计算机科学与技术学科”, granted with RMB 200万元 (2020KSYS007, UICR0400025-21) by广东省教育厅, 工业物联网与智能系统带头人, 2022.01-2026.12.

  • [8] Qing-Guo WANG, “Intelligent systems and automation”, granted with RMB 60k by 广东省教育厅人工智能与多模态数据处理重点实验室 (政府code:2020KSYS007; 校内code:UICR0500003-20). 2021.01-2025.12.

  • [9] Mei Yi WU and Qing-Guo WANG (collaborator), “紫薯中的植物化学物质对干眼症的改善”, granted with RMB30k (UICR0400015-21) under 广东省创新强校工程)(Category: 2021年度广东省高校重点平台和科研项目--特色创新类项). 2021.12-2023.11

  • [10] Xiefeng Zhang and Qing-Guo WANG (guest investigator), “分数阶模糊复杂系统的观测器设计与智能控制”, 科技部聘请外国文教专家项目, G2021128013L, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 40万元.

  • [11] Qing-Guo Wang, “Seed fund for high-end talents”, granted with RMB 1.5m by Beijing Normal University, 2020.10.01-2025.09.30.

  • [12] Qing-Guo Wang, “Seed fund for new faculty”, granted with RMB100k (UICR72021115) by United International College, 2020.10-2025.09

  • [13] 王庆国, “科技部火炬计划”, RMB 3m, submitted in April 2021.No notice

  • [14] Zhenchai Zhu, 教育部高等学校学科创新引智计划-111引智基地B20042, RMB 1m x 5 years. 2019.12-2024.11. Qing-Guo WANG (海外学术大师)


Wang QG’s research interests are in the field of Automation with focuses on modeling, estimation, prediction, control and optimization with a wide range of applications including, but not limited to, industrial and environmental processes, energy systems, defense systems, medical technology and financial engineering.

Research direction 1. High-performance control

  • [1] Q.-G. Wang, “Decoupling with internal stability for unity output feedback systems,” Automatica, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 411-415, 1992. (sole author)

  • [2] Q.-G. Wang, Decoupling Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 285, Springer, 2003. (sole author)

  • [3] Q.-G. Wang, T. H. Lee, H. W. Fung, Q. Bi and Y. Zhang, "PID tuning for improved performance," IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 457-465, July 1999. (first author)

  • [4] H. W. Fung, Q.-G. Wang, T. H. Lee, “PI tuning in terms of gain and phase margins,” Automatica, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1145-1149, Sept. 1998. (corresponding author)

  • [5] Q.-G. Wang, C. C. Hang and X. P. Yang, "Single-loop controller design via IMC principles", Automatica, vol. 91, no. 12, pp. 2041-2048, 2001. (first author)

  • [6] Q.-G. Wang, Z. Ye, W. Cai, et al., PID Control for Multivariable Processes, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2008. (first author)

  • [7] J.P. He, Q.-G. Wang, P. Cheng, JM Chen and You-Xian SUN, “Multi-Period Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization with High-order Coupled Asset Dynamics”, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, Vol.60, No.5, pp.1320-1335. May 2015. (corresponding author)

  • [8] C. Fu, Q.-G. Wang, J.P. Yu and C. Lin. “Neural Network-Based Finite-Time Commend Filtering Control for Switched Nonlinear Systems with Backlash-Like Hysteresis”, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst., Vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 3268-3273, July 2021. (CA*)

  • [9] W. Esterhuizen and Q.-G. Wang, “Control Design with Guaranteed Transient Performance: An Approach with Polyhedral Target Tubes”, Automatica, vol. 119, pp. 105699, Aug. 2020. (CA*)

  • [10] J.-X Zhang, Q.-G. Wang and W. Ding, “Global Output-Feedback Prescribed Performance Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Virtual Control Coefficients”, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, Vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 6904-6911. Dec. 2022. (corresponding author).

    Research direction 2. Systems modeling, auto-tuning control and monitoring

  • [11] Q. Bi, Q.-G. Wang and C. C. Hang, "Relay-based estimation of multiple points on process frequency response", Automatica, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1753-1757, Sep. 1997. (corresponding author)

  • [12] Q.-G. Wang, CC Hang and Q. Bi, “A Technique for Frequency Response identification from Relay Feedback”, IEEE Trans. Control Systems Tech., Vol.7, No.1, pp.122-128, Jan. 1999. (first author)

  • [13] Q.-G. Wang and Y. Zhang, "A novel FFT-based robust multivariable process identification method", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 11, pp.2485-2494, May 2001. (first author)

  • [14] Q.-G. Wang, T. H. Lee and L. Chong, Relay feedback: analysis, identification and control, Springer, 2003. (first author)

  • [15] Q.-G. Wang and Y. Zhang, “Robust identification of continuous systems with dead-time from step responses,” Automatica, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 377–390, 2001. (first author)

  • [16] Q.-G. Wang, M. Liu, C. C. Hang, et al., “Integral Identification of Continuous-Time Delay Systems in Presence of Unknown Initial Conditions and Disturbances from Step Tests", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 14, pp 4929 – 4936, July 2008. (first author)

  • [17] Q.-G. Wang, B. Zou, T.-H. Lee, and Q. Bi, “Auto-tuning of multivariable PID controllers from decentralized relay feedback,” Automatica, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 319 – 330, March 1997. (first author)

  • [18] C. Yu, Q.-G. Wang, D. Zhang, et al., "System Identification in Presence of Outliers", IEEE Trans. Cybern., Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1202-1216. May 2016. (corresponding author)

  • [19] D. Zhang, Q.-G. Wang, Dipti Srinivasan, et al., "Asynchronous state estimation for discrete-time switched complex networks with communication constraints”, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst., Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1732-1746, May 2018. (CA*)

  • [20] M. Shen, T. Zhang, J. H. Park, Q. -G. Wang and L. -W. Li, "Iterative proportional-integral interval estimation of linear discrete-time systems," IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2022.3203226. 2023.

    Research direction 3. Complex systems

  • [21] Q.-G. Wang, T. H. Lee, and K. K. Tan, Finite spectrum assignment for time delay systems. London: Springer, 1999. (first author)

  • [22] T.H. Lee, Q.-G. Wang and K.K. Tan, "A robust Smith-predictor controller for uncertain delay systems", AIChE J., Vol. 42, No. 4, pp.1033-1040, Aug. 1996. (corresponding author)

  • [23] Q.-G. Wang, X. Lu, H.-Q Zhou, et.al., “Novel Disturbance Controller Design for a Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Smith Scheme”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 540-545, Feb. 2007. (first author)

  • [24] Y. He, Q.-G. Wang, L.H. Xie, et.al., "Further Improvement of Free-Weighting Matrices Technique for Systems with Time-Varying Delay", IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp.293-299, Feb. 2007. (corresponding author)

  • [25] Y. He, Q.-G. Wang, C. Lin, et.al., “Delay-range-dependent stability for systems with time-varying delay”, Automatica, Vol.43, No. 2, pp.371-376, Feb. 2007. (corresponding author)

  • [26] Q.-G. Wang, T.H. Lee and J.B. He, "Internal stability of interconnected systems", IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 44, No.3, pp. 593-597. March 1999. (first author)

  • [27] L. Wang, Z. Q. Chen and Q.-G. Wang, “Bounded synchronization of a heterogeneous complex switched network”, Automatica, Vol. 56, pp. 19-24, June 2015.

  • [28] Q. Y. Liang, Z. K. She, L. Wang, Z. Q. Chen and Q.-G. Wang, "Characterizations and Criteria for Synchronization of Heterogeneous Networks to Linear Subspaces", SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 4048-4071, Dec. 2017.

  • [29] C. C. Zhao, J. P. He and Q.-G. Wang, “Resilient Distributed Optimization Algorithm against Adversarial Attacks”. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 65, No. 10, pp. 4308 –4315. Oct. 2020.

  • [30] J. H. Zhang, Q.-G. Wang, T. Marwala, et.al., "Neural network-based control for RRP-based networked systems under DoS attacks with power interval," Automatica, vol.145, 2022, 110555. Dec. 2022. (corresponding author)


  • [1]  Qing-Guo Wang, A1-rating granted by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. 2023.04

  • [2]  Qing-Guo Wang is ranked #489 among Best Scientists in Electronics and Electrical Engineering for 2023 by Research.com. 2023.03

  • [3]  World's Top 2% Scientists 2022 (both career and year), 名列斯坦福大学2022年发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”和“年度科学影响力”榜单。2022.10. 前1/5

  • [4]  中国全球学者库网站 “全球顶尖前10万科学家”, 2022.02. 前1/4

  • [5]  World's Top 2% Scientists 2021 (both career and year), 名列斯坦福大学2021年发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”和“年度科学影响力”榜单。2021.11. 前1/5

  • [6]  SciVal - Top 500 authors in Africa from 2015 to 2020 by Scholarly Output, 2021.03.

  • [7]  World's Top 2% Scientists 2020 (both career and year), 名列斯坦福大学2020年发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”和“年度科学影响力”榜单。2020.11. 前1/5

  • [8]  获2017年度常州科教城“国家级人才奖”; National contribution award by Changzhou city, China, 2018.03.

  • [9]  A-rating of National Research Foundation, South Africa, from Jan 2017.

  • [10]  Membership of Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), from Oct 2017.

  • [11]  Prize of the most influential paper of the 30 years of the journal of Control Theory and Applications. The paper: You-Xian Sun and Qing-Guo Wang, `` Observer design for bilinear multivariable systems with unknown disturbances", Control Theory & Appl., Vol.5(1988), No.3, pp.20-29. 2014年12月6日,在广州召开的《控制理论与应用》编辑委员会会议会上,论文:具有未知扰动的双线性多变量系统的观测器设计(英文)荣获《控制理论与应用》创刊30周年最具影响力论文奖. corresponding author, 排名2/2.

  • [12]  The Thomson Reuters list of the highly-cited researchers 2013 in Engineering (1 out of 250 worldwide).

  • [13]  Yong He, Qing-Guo Wang*, Chong Lin and Min Wu, “Delay-range-dependent stability for systems with time-varying delay”,Automatica, Vol.43, No. 2, pp.371-376, won the most cited article of the Journal of Automatica in 2006-2010. corresponding author, 排名2/4.

  • [14]  The best paper award, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems, 2009.

  • [15]  1991年获中国国家教委“有突出贡献的博士学位获得者”称号. Outstanding China-awarded Ph.D. of China State Education Committee, 1991. This award was given to people who got Ph.D. from Chinese Universities with excellent research performance.

  • [16]  1990年获中国科协”青年科技奖”. Young Scientist Award of Chinese Association for Science and Technology, 1990. This was the highest award for China young scientists and engineers of age 40 or below at that time.

  • [17]  Young Scientist Award of Zhejiang Province, China, 1990. It is given to the top ten young scientists in the Province.

  • [18] The Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship of Germany, 1990-1992. This award is given annually to young scientists of age 35 or below all over the world for recognition of their outstanding research accomplishment.

  • [19]  2nd-class Award for Scientific and Technological Achievement from China State Education Committee, 1987. 排名5/5 (YX Sun, CH Zhou, YQ Yin, P Li, QG Wang). It is given to people in Chinese Universities with research projects, which developed significant technological advances.


曾任美国电气与电子工程师协会新加坡控制分会主席(4次), 亚洲控制会议及若干IEEE国际会议总主席, 国际自动控制联合会学报《过程控制》编委。 现任国际著名学报《ISA Transactions》执行副主编(Deputy Editor-in-Chief),及多份国际学报编委。



